Was born. Didn’t like it.
I pirated this to check it out and enjoyed it so much that I bought it even though it’s in Early Access and that’s very very rare for me. I still haven’t played it more though as I’m still waiting for it to come out of EA, looking very much forward to play it again.
https://github.com/aghayes/rusty_book_pirate/ don’t know if this still works as it hasn’t been updated in 4 years but might wanna give it a try
Sadly The Culture decided to skip earth.
Spells, curses and summoning rituals.
That’s the infamous gerrymandering I’ve read about? Still you are all part of the imperialist machine with your taxes contributing to the bombings of brown people. But I understand that many of you don’t want this, just like I live in a comfy semi-socialist state in the west yet my government has no problems selling weapons to aggressors.
I know, I’m friends with many and have relatives who live there. Nevertheless, may you all burn in hell for what you have done. Not literally but that’s the vibe I’m on.
I realize there’s a lot of nuance and detail around who’s to blame, I’m generalizing. Another way to see that stat though is that only 21% opposed fascism.
Agreed, they’re beyond any hope. As someone from a country absolutely destroyed by them I have a hard time feeling sympathy though. The schadenfreude from them shooting themselves in the foot via Trump is absolutely delightful.
Americans are not innocent.
Summit is my favorite after testing Thunder, jerboa and Boost.
I strongly dislike America so profiting off of their suffering is extra sweet. I even bought into UnitedHealth Group during the Luigi dip knowing Americans would forget all about it in a month or so and wouldn’t you know it the stock is bouncing back nicely.
What’s scary is that tracking tech is so good they don’t even need to listen to you to know what you’ve been talking/thinking about.
Lucida is awesome, I’ve also used squid.wtf which worked excellently.
Enlisted. It’s kinda terrible but I’m addicted.
I read on my phone amoled display in dark mode with the app Cool Reader.
Not really, ‘murmel’ means ‘marmot’ in Swedish but it’s often taken already so I’ve just evolved it into a marmalade-pun
I got told to go back to reddit on my very first comment. 🤣
Jackie Chan was in Enter The Dragon.
Why isn’t there a racing league with speed limits?