Yeah, it is insane once you have family members who have started to sip from the kool-aid. I feel like it is a lost cause, even when you have objective proof, they say their feelings still triumph your evidence
Yeah, it is insane once you have family members who have started to sip from the kool-aid. I feel like it is a lost cause, even when you have objective proof, they say their feelings still triumph your evidence
I think the church would spread it all over the world, into every little nook and cranny
Yeah South African here, it’s a Christian book shop franchise here, not sure if they have spread to other countries yet. Primary school the store name was the butt of the joke for a short while
On our mine we have a lot of systems to protect the tyres, and they are inspected regularly. Like if you overload your truck the truck will go automatically into creep mode to protect the tyres. We also have specialised services on site to inspect any damages and wear to ensure safe usage of the tyres, scrapping them way before the expected life span, usually at 50-60%. Repairs are also done but only if the tyres are not structurally damaged.
But proper standoff distance usually prevents any people or machinery coming into any dangerous situation of a tyre blowing out. The real danger of these huge trucks, we have the 350 Tonnes version, its collisions, can so easily drive over almost anything without knowing, so that is why we have a very far standoff distance, 80-100 meters to ensure no one gets too close. Also we have a collision avoidance system where the truck switches off when anything gets nearby
Nintendo in the background rubbing its lawyer hands in anticipation
The one kid smashed a kid’s face into a toilet till it broke, toilet and kid’s face, and news crew came filming where we found out almost all our classes are made out of asbestos, late 2000s
So disappointed that no meteorologist said: “a meteor probably”.
I love Mint 22 so far, it really has matured where my home computer is running Mint is more stable than my work computer running Windows 11, luckily my company uses CrowdStrike so nothing to worry there.
But really I now recommend Mint to my non tech savvy friends and family, as a person who uses Linux should! But joking aside took my sister’s old laptop running Windows 7, slapped a SSD and upped the ram to 8 GB into it with Mint and she has been happy
I understand that Epic funded their project to be an Epic exclusive, but was that a financially sound decision excluding the major market place. Could they not have worked in like a two year or three year exclusive period
Yeah I feel there is a weird history between steam and remedy media. Like I remember when you could one day buy Alan Wake like really cheap since it was being taken off steam. Then the Epic deal making Alan Wake 2 exclusive basically meant they excluded a lot of customers immediately on steam.
This one was also about the multiverse: https://youtu.be/JfQUnMJw3pE
Would love a story line that starts normal but then goes off the rails. I do not want you to copy this guy but maybe take inspiration from Andrew Rousso, he made a video called Moist on YouTube, starts normal but eventually you are taken on a journey and come out the other side like mind blown, worth the 7 minutes
Yeah thank Disney for that, I read Ryan had to pitch multiple stories until they accepted one.
In the first film they had huge budget constraints, in this one they had Disney PR constraints
Not an American but if you should have and every country should have a minimum age, like 21 because of mental and physical maturity, and a maximum age like 75, because of the risk of possible stamina and mental decline.
Who is this random chicken, where did plucky go. Also where did Clarke Kent go and oh my god, Superman is here as well
Gorilla any day. If the Black Mamba kills you, it is not a pleasant death, 7-15 hours. Gorilla will probably beat/bite me to death as fast as possible to minimise any risk to itself. The Mamba will also be much more unpredictable vs the Gorilla. But I wonder how this situation would be if it was over a week and not 24 hours
Funny enough, I do believe our BEE laws in South Africa should be scrapped. According to our news he offered to pay 26% in royalties, like Google does for example in South Africa, but did not agree to give away equity. The BEE laws are basically a way for politically connected ANC members to get a slice of the pie, does not one bit help the majority of people here.
Look Elon is a shit, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. There also needs to be empowerment laws, I say to poor citizens not based on any race laws, even though the majority of extremely poor people are black, coloured indian, mixed…, but not ones that mostly filter to the politically connected like the current BEE laws favour.