Not a plumber but worked with one for 3 months. the urine seemed to be the worsg thing in the pipes. the solids settle out in the trap and elbows, building into a cake of urea/phosphorous cemented to the pipe. this is only anecdotal.
rediit refugee seeking a fabled utopia
Not a plumber but worked with one for 3 months. the urine seemed to be the worsg thing in the pipes. the solids settle out in the trap and elbows, building into a cake of urea/phosphorous cemented to the pipe. this is only anecdotal.
whee!!! let the rollercoaster climb for the reddit decline!
zoidberg smells better…
shitposting is different here, it doesn’t seem to be degrading, but…they are coming…
there is a movement, they will soon learn…hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhah ahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahah
knowlege avails many things, but not happiness…
if only our lives were the only thing we focused on
smells are effervescent and seem to be very impactful… anecdotal evidence only
since it’s halloween, i cackled at this…Extra Fabulous!!
this should not be as funny as it is, but thank you very much Russ Ediger for bringing a hearty laugh to my day!!! and thanks to The_Picard_Maneuver for bringing it to my attention…
so many stares and bleps explained
i have vivid memories of this exact scenario…lol
not an abomination…a bomb creation!!!
unfortunately, i can only prove that which has been put before my eyes and/or what has been testified and corroborated to by multiple sources. everything else is faith without extensive documentation which can conveniently be done away with by royal decree, apparently