“You can tell people not to smoke but you’d be a hypocrite then. If a hypocrite is telling you not to do something they’re doing - that’s worthless.”
I couldn’t disagree with the “worthless” thing more, even if I tried.
Yes, I would be a hypocrite, but calling someone a “hypocrite” is merely a personal attack on their character. Someone’s character, ultimately, does not change the fact of the matter, which is that, in this case, smoking is harmful and you shouldn’t smoke if you want to be in good health. The person telling you this being a hypocrite has no bearing on that whatsoever—it’s intellectually fallacious to even suggest such a thing.
almost tempted to make an alt account and then post a thread in the politics community titled something like, “planning to k*ll B!ll g@tes; any help would be appreciated” (i would work on the title to make it believable, of course). but you know what would happen; i would get banned. because this whole “k!ll the rich” thing is performative, i.e. misguided virtue signalling. and it’s all very very immature.