I think it’s mostly just content theft. On the audience end, viewers who aren’t immediately put off by the reactor and are too lazy to find the original might just watch it. On the reuploader end, there’s basically no effort involved and it can make them some money. Laziness is nothing new.
Considering their main export is genocide and dictatorship apologia, I do
Maybe Satan did the math and saw that having warehouses full of low grade condoms would actually result in lower pregnancy and std rates than if he had opted for fewer, more expensive condoms. After all, a barrier is a barrier and quantity is a quality unto itself.
The Oval, according to architectural digest
Olivia Nuzzi reposting a story only marginally more ridiculous than her own life
I think it could make sense not to scan for memberships and allow nonmembers to buy the food even through it’s a loss leader. If people are coming in for the good deal, especially if they’re coming regularly, there’s a chance they’ll buy a membership and start shopping there
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I think Signal rolled out a username system that should let users communicate without having to share phone numbers
Plot twist, OP’s Mom is a Maoist-Third Worldist