VGA should have released VGA2.1 that is what all the cool display cables do
VGA should have released VGA2.1 that is what all the cool display cables do
I’ve been playing a bunch of Indiana Jones lately and keep finding myself going out of my way to kill every Nazi and fascist I come across even going out of my way to backtrack and get a few.
He delivers presents to poor people instead of making them buy them and “help the economy”
Look just be grateful the time traveler killed Hitler in his bunker before things got even worse.
Condiment King will not stand for his weapons being abused in this manner.
God never addressed themselves as him/her. They referred to themselves as I am.
You mean royals with cheese
What about a politician who sexually harasses an employee and making that employee read their erotic interspecies fan fiction.
Imaginary numbers are any number multiplied by the square root of negative 1, a complex number has both a real and imaginary part. 10+i is complex, 10*i is imaginary.
Don’t you have to go to New Jersey to watch any professional sports team?
So now the show is going to be about the civil war among the care bears about the best way to fight negativity.
Facts aren’t going to change any of them for voting for him. Quoting Revelations 13:3 might scare them a little. “One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.”
Hey that’s the guy that successfully killed that failure Hitler.
Well I mean why is Mercury still a planet? It didn’t clear it’s own orbit, it just happens to be in an empty orbit.
That looks scary, I need to pick up my bucket.
I hope they weren’t in California, that stuff causes cancer in California.
Lay them out and melt some cheese on them
Do y’all not even cat? Every location on a cat has a preset pet limit, if you reach it they attack. That is also an over all pet limit that counts down to attack. And then sometimes cats just like to attack for no damn reason.
He took too long for the world record
Sometimes she can almost hear him calling her name and saying please let go