Damn. You never sent in the ROFLcopter? Not even once?
Damn. You never sent in the ROFLcopter? Not even once?
Finder is macOS equivalent of Windows Explorer (maybe, it’s been a while). I assume Linux desktop suites have various similar processes. In other words, a second optional layer (with more features) to access runtime libc file manipulation api.
Boy oh boy would you hate AppleScript. This is what I have to type to throw files in the trash instead of deleting them.
tell application ”Finder” to delete POSIX file “/full/fucking/path/to/file”
much less unheard of
Don’t fail to not use double negatives!
No wonder the responder didn’t unsuccessfully misunderstand the sentence.
I know what you meant by “state flag” but I want to be cheeky, so here goes:
We didn’t pledge to a state flag but the federal flag. But the state of Maryland has a fabulous flag, and I’m still devoted to its design all these years later.
For whatever reason, in the 70s, in Maryland, I only recall pledging allegiance in the morning at the start of school during first grade. I don’t think we did it past second grade. In any case, I took the opportunity to insert curse words. I would say it like, “I pledge allegiance to the shit, and to the asshole for which it shits.” I didn’t lower my voice either. I just figured that I would never be noticed. Thinking back, I am surmising that my teacher must have noticed at least once but just ignored it.
Is the character in the right saying the white-lettered words?
Is this some particularly recommended or famous watching order?
For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemmingway is set during this period. Just a side note.
If everyone should learn to read, it would not only ruin writing but thinking as well.
—some embittered philosopher probably
But why did we evolve a hook & loop clasp to hold the top of our skull closed?
I feel you and what everyone is doing annoys me too, but our only recourse is to do something worse.
My proposal: we start calling our cock “corpora cavernosa”.
In case non-native English speakers don’t understand.
The word “murder” is an old legal term meaning: unlawful killing of a person. This implies that there are lawful ways to kill a person. Slang usage of the word “murder” is less precise.
A proper translation of the Bible’s 10 Commandments prohibits murder, that is, don’t kill anyone in a way that your tribe forbids. It does not prohibit every kind of killing of people, that would be ludicrous. This is why those Christians who have the viewpoint of 100% no killing of people are misguided.
They are named after the hero who goes back in time to save Sarah Connor from the Terminator.
Also, you are too old to be picking on school children.
I didn’t like that movie.
No. Stay and fight. The theater of conflict is closed. There is no place else to go.
If you leave you’re the same as these fighting-age single men fleeing Syria or wherever. Literally or metaphorically, you’ll end up drowning in the Mediterranean in a pathetic cowards death.
To the radical old-heads like me. If you have stage 4 cancer, then you ain’t surviving. That’s a license to do anything because you’ll be dead in a year. Find a billionaire and do what needs to be done. Of course I mean give them a stern talking to; I’ve heard psychopaths respond well to those. And not one of the famous ones, they are actually not as bad. The less famous ones are also more touchable.
Stay strong in the struggle.
I thought he got money because he took the money the other guys were skimming.
One of the most valuable things my dad taught me was how to take good advice from an asshole.
I am like you and that I like words to have specific meanings.
“Overrated” has to mean that the current rating is too high and should be adjusted, and those making such a claim should be prepared to prove summary bullet points.
I think the 50th Academy Awards nailed it. Not best picture. No actor awards. Best sound, best music, best costumes, best art direction, best special effects, best editing.
Outside of that, it was a great homage to Saturday serials that played at movie theaters in the 40s. Just like European orchestral classical music sometimes elevated peasant folk songs into a higher art form, Lucas did similar for those old short black and white kids movies my dad told me about from his childhood.
So, the first one, in my opinion, is not overrated. It’s rated just about right.
It feels weird to reply to myself but I keep thinking about Luke’s development. When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I saw this guy that was like a cool older brother go off and do exciting adventures but then some jackbooted thug killed his older buddy who lived down the road. Then in Empire , when I was about 10 or 11 years old, I saw him train hard but still get totally wrecked in the end. Then finally when I was about 13 years old, I saw him come into his own.
It really felt deeply satisfying after waiting like one third of my life to see this guy not get kicked around. I had forgotten how good that felt. And what a long wait.
Some dude a couple doors down was obsessed with Star Wars, and this was before Return. He rewatched Empire so many times. Even I didn’t like it that much. Imagine how he must have felt.
Yes. Finder is just some app you can move files with on macOS.