@zerakith they are self-important clowns, tbh
Things are:
* White or “political”
* Straight or “political”
* Male or “political”
* Cis or “political”
* Able-bodied or “political”
* Christian or “political”
etc, etc
“I don’t like to talk about politics” means “I voted Tory and I don’t like to be made to feel uncomfortable”
@zerakith they are self-important clowns, tbh
@7bicycles @lemmyreader banned within minutes by the UCI
@Hello1000 @ylai
> In a very large city, riding a bicycle is problematic
I live in London and I cycle all over, all the time. Have you bumped your head?
@Vash63 @ajsadauskas they drink piss-weak beer and if you have more than two somebody will accuse you of being an alcoholic
@ArmoredThirteen you can point a https://www.netlify.com/ site at it for free
@crony @mondoman712 *surely* this is a troll?
@pennomi @mondoman712 “the market to correct itself naturally” lol
@yogthos @BoxedFenders more likely they’re flouting the rules tbh
@chiliedogg @PhoenixAlpha did a car write this?