They seem nice and not too pricey. Their website said they have Hall effect sticks. Shouldn’t those be more durable and longer lasting than regular sticks?
For how long did you use them before you started having issues with the sticks?
They seem nice and not too pricey. Their website said they have Hall effect sticks. Shouldn’t those be more durable and longer lasting than regular sticks?
For how long did you use them before you started having issues with the sticks?
Notepad++ is a text editor while VS Code is an IDE. They are intended for different use cases.
How are they being body shamed? I don’t see anybody saying one is better than the other. Some people like bigger boobs, some people like smaller boobs so there isn’t a correct answer. I can see them being objectified sure, but I wouldn’t call it body shaming.
In europe we have a “reject all” button for cookies and it’s fantastic
Learn to accept the wrinkles and wear them like a badge of honor!