I prefer it to real spam. Way less greasy with more flavors
I prefer it to real spam. Way less greasy with more flavors
Dear hackers,
I want to know how to hack. I will pay you. I am the best hacker.
Thank you, Xx_hackerman_xX
PS: What is hacking?
Oh well… whatever. Never mind.
I lived in both ‘French Canada’, and France at one point in my life.
In my experience, they all consider themselves the best thing France ever made and the other side are the equivalent of “rednecks”
To be fair, they both can be right.
Gamers are the true indigenous people.
We were typing in games printed in magazines and hand written from friends.
It’s rare, but every time it’s incredibly unpleasant. It’s expecting to bite into a nice soft food, but instead chomping on a piece of metal, praying that you didn’t just break a tooth.
It happened to me a few times one year when I started getting neurological disorder. It stopped once I started paying attention to what I eat, cherishing every bite.
I don’t see how people can eat with broken, bent or sharpened tines.
I accidentally bite my food instruments enough that I don’t need individual instruments to be unique.
Didn’t Kathy Griffin pretty much do the same thing only with many more times the consequences?