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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


  • This is great! There seem to be quite some tricks out there, one I learned is to focus on the temperature of your breath and where exactly you feel it while breathing. In the beginning it’s just little moments of thoughtlessness, but you can make them last longer with practice.

    There’s also this reply I read on /x/ like ten years ago that has stuck with me, to the question someone asked, “how to meditate” – “Notice the space between 2 thoughts? Enter it.”

  • If it’s really just pictures and contacts, do it manually. Contacts app should have an export function. Pictures you can just copy via USB.

    Messages are usually cloud-stored nowadays right? Do you have more than idk 5 different messaging apps? If you don’t, and one or some of them for some reason don’t store messages on some server, find out if you can do it manually, most apps should have export/import functionality (not just messaging apps btw). For standard SMS though, no idea.

  • Oh it’s been a year already?!? Time flies when you have a good time I guess. Thank you!

    I edited my comment I forgot the conclusion as always lol you might wanna check it again

    AI is a tool that’s used as a disinfo machine primarily, at least LLMs are in praxis, and they get better much faster at that in particular with such amounts of data. But I would argue that this kind of data (acquired without user consent) isn’t necessary for them to get better edit: at anything else.

  • I would be much more okay with corpos or states invading my privacy if anything actually useful would come of it, but it kinda doesn’t. I left corpo social media behind not because it was hungry for what data I could provide it, but because it used mine and others user data to make itself worse. And the desire to drop my smartphone and go full dumb tech or no tech at all grows with every passing day. But the paranoia every privacy-concious person experiences sooner or later, some more intense than others, was not something initial for me.

    edit: … as was privacy-burnout. I always keep that in mind, I try ro remember, that the reason privacy bothers me is not (only) to protect myself. It’s not a futile fight for independence of anything, it’s tied to a vision I have of the world.and the future

    Hope this makes sense I have the feeling what I write often doesn’t

  • There’s this article in a German IT sec blog which compares the more well-known privacy focused ROMs. If you have any way to translate it, you should check it out. It is a really nice addition to the Eylenburg comparison.

    i want customization to my os as long as this is possible

    I was rocking Ressurection Remix and Xposed on my old Note 4 and customized the hell out of it. I’m on Graphene now and I don’t miss it a bit. Maybe a little.

    Graphene can be installed on your phone via a web browser on a PC on laptop. You should install it and try it out, it’s very easy.

  • I have spent the last 20 minutes trying to come up with a reply to this, but I just can’t get my head around it.

    imo, if you’re interested in a person, acting is always the correct thing to do, because it’s the only thing that resolves aforementioned ambiguity. But acting also always involves asking. Asking someone out on a date, or just to meet up. In regards to physical stuff, asking if you can touch or kiss somebody. Is there something I miss here?

  • I usually only find like 2-3 interesting games out of 200, but the ones I did find were pretty sweet. Sometimes you’re not lucky and exclusively play trash.

    I mainly enjoy 2 types of games, ones with replayabilty (Stellaris, Rimworld, Slay The Spire, Roguelites in General, some RPGs) and short to medium single player games which I usually only play once. If you don’t like the second category, my recommendation is definitely the wrong approach, yeah