Chives ar are tasty, good problem to have.
Revealing the truth about the evils of Nordic Social Democracy.
Let your haters become your waders in the trout stream of opportunity.
Chives ar are tasty, good problem to have.
A real geologist should give a real answer, but more or less it is due to how the molten elements and molecules sorted out back when the earth was younger and hotter. It has a lot to do with relative densities, melting points and propensity to mix with other materials. Everything heavier than helium and trace amounts of lithium are “star dust”, the geology of earth is how that coalesces together and then combines and separates out in geological processes.
Dude, WTF are you talking about? When I was a machinist it was so much easier to deal with metric. 1 inch ~ 25 mm, from there it is just way easier to deal with measurements such as 27.5 mm instead of 1 5/64 inches and all of these inverse powers of 2. I was always jealous of the French machinist I worked with talking about how the only units you should ever have to work with is meters and millimeters. If you are concerned about “Human Scale” then intuitively a meter and a yard are close enough for estimates and you don’t have to deal with “wait, what is 5/8 + 3/16 + 1 7/64?”
fun fact that I probably shared before, but my university had a physics class called estimations of scale, where you did order of magnitude estimations, usually of things really large like galaxies or small like particles, and then put them into a scale that is intuitive and made sense to you to imagine. One person I worked with did the length of his dick for the length scale (though he used something else for homework he had to turn in, probably football fields). The milky way is ~1.7*10^17 dicks across apparently.