Really, we’re covering basic grammar now?
Really, we’re covering basic grammar now?
It’s not even about being funny. It’s about the message, really.
I had these batches on my backpack and jacket when I was young. And I’m pretty sure kids still carry them today. They are not illegal, even though they clearly display a swastika.
Yep, someone already posted the link and OP has fixed it. My previous comment is obsolete.
This should be legal in Germany, as it is clearly comedy.
Wanting to leave NATO, withholding weapons from Ukraine and talking to Putin isn’t exactly “working against” fascism. That’s very much the Neville Chamberlain approach … but even he came to his sense after the full scale invasion started. Can’t say the same for die Linke.
See the link above for more details.
You forgot to include the link.
Yeah, I have 31 remote users (though less then 10 are actually active). If you’re running a server setup to the point of supporting that, the plex lifetime pass is just a piss in the wind.
But the lemmy FOSS crowd is strong, we’re severely outnumbered here :D
OP probably doesn’t have a plex pass.
Unless therer was some major update in the last 6 months I’ve missed, I’d say no … not even close.
it was showing the name on the server as the long name with details instead of just the movie name.
Yea, sounds it couldn’t match the movie. But in my expirence that rarley happens and I only rename files when a matching issue occures.
I’ve tried seeding the renamed files through the torrent but it seems since the movie names didn’t match it would start trying to download again
Another option would be to create a hardlink from the torrent folder to your library folder. That way you can have two completely independent filenames.
Why are you renaming it in the first place? You’re not even adding any new info (like the release date to the title) so why bother?
Its not really that tedious but its more so If im wanting to seed files again later, I would need the file names to match exactly.
Not sure about your torrent client but renaming a file in my client (Transmission) doesn’t prevent it from being seeded.
“alpha males” are transgender.
According to you he is transgender and he’s very obviously an activist for that kind of identity. So that’s very much a logicial association (based on your horseshit premise).
So according to your logic Andrew Tate is a transright activists?
I’m with you for the first part, but then you lost me.
What are the odds of this happening at a public parking place?
They are actually pretty good. Also I think some of the black ones might be blue.
Yeah, I’ve never heard of “Clear Play” … but it’s sooooo American.
There is probably less cumbersome way to put it, but you shouldn’t use “known carcinogen” since that is an official (or at least widely used) classifcation that the chemical is NOT in.
But non of these classify it as a “known carcinogen” like your title claims. Acording to rule 1, posts must be facts.
Yep, including me.