Boomers saying and thinking boomer things.
Boomers saying and thinking boomer things.
This is example 4664336 of a for profit company pulling the rug from underneath an open source project. It’a becomes a genuine risk as every time the mask comes off, you know it’s going to be ugly.
If you thought the people can’t sink any further, then somebody who does this comes along…
They get sponsored to be the default search engine. Firefox developers cost money and being non-profit relies on dontations and sponsorship
Sensible Software. Sensible soccer and Cannon Fodder. Epyx for their summer and winter games.
That’s the face when he comes off the toilet and dumped his McDonald’s.
Dune 2 for it popularized RTS genre. C&c to bring it to the masses
Take a look at netbird or tailscale
You hit the nail on the head. This is exactly what intregued me about this game. It’s giving the creative and intellectual freedom to solve the mysteries, with no handholding was very refreshing.
I drive Arch btw™
Dorsey isn’t that the guy who fell into the anti vacation rabbit hole and backed JRFK Jr ? I mean let’s be honest. If these guys are concerned then I am pretty sure it’s safe.
This is good, but I think there needs to be some regulations. Companies keep introducing all sorts of anti-consumer practices to fuck over users (not only in gaming land). Now it got (for the time being) reverted, but the trust has (again) been broken.
Consumers (should) buy something based on what has been presented at the point of time. If that changes in the future with negative effects for consumers, than this should get investigated and ultimately penalized. Companies have become too big and too powerful, which can lead to shit like this
Or Jesus, since a heck alot of maga christians think he is the one
Sony just did a Unity here. How the hell can you ruin such a beloved game in a single cheer stupid move, for the purpose of just gathering data. It’s beyond me.
It’s clear this is a long in advanced supply chain attack. So this is for sure not a lone wolf thing. Parts of it were very thought through but just came comically to light.
Yes history shown the US has been doing naughty things revealed by Snowden but we can’t come to conclusions yet, since nothing is yet been proven (if it ever will be). Long story short blaming somebody (regardless who) makes no sense at this moment.
You have any source for this or is this your (robotic) trolling (algorithmic) opinion ?
For sure. It’s basically a NAS software appliance. You just need to bring your own x86 hardware. Truenas core was good, but they will stop actively developing soon in favor for scale.
I have it running both hardware (backup) as well as virtualized (with a special sas/sata card as PCI pass thru). Works like a charm.
Not to mention the sheer amount of security vulnerabilities they constantly have in their products. I never recommend QNAP for that reason. Out of the box solutions I only recommend Synology. Selfbuild route is uraid and my personal fav. Truenas scale.
Looks like somebody is in need of cash 😂. But to be fair, these games were back in the day mighty good. It’s really a shame to see how both greed and ever growing ambitious killed creativity.
Ran it for 1.5 years and it stepped away from it. Besides the fact that as soon as your host goes down or you do maintenance on your host, the network becomes kind of useless (ESP if you have multiple segmentated nets). The other thing to keep in mind is to pass through physical nics. Using just the vnics will potentially lead to security risks. That’s the reason I went back to physical fws.