iOS Swift developer with an unhealthy amount of Android and Flutter thrown in. Cycling enthusiast. Admirer of TTRPGs, sometimes a player, often times a GM.
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023
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The only things JSON has over xml is that it’s easier to write a parser for it and the format is less verbose and less complicated. There are extensions to JSON that can add features that xml has and the JSON spec doesn’t have. Overall the xml spec is bigger and has more features but that also makes it overkill for many of the cases that it would be used in.
The only things JSON has over xml is that it’s easier to write a parser for it and the format is less verbose and less complicated. There are extensions to JSON that can add features that xml has and the JSON spec doesn’t have. Overall the xml spec is bigger and has more features but that also makes it overkill for many of the cases that it would be used in.