Always have a backup plan
The Arch wiki may have some ideas for you - tl;dr is that GDM uses a global dconf
db over in /etc/
and this might be the root of your problem (these configs might not get cleaned up with a --purge
?) I’m a LightDM user so best I can do to help:
The other data shows that posts and comments are going up linearly (a little suspicious but OK), but I wonder how the modlog affects the data (meaning how is it captured and when). I made one comment to a honest post yesterday (hosted on a remote instance), which then the post was deleted by admins like so:
Removed Post Any app for call recording ? reason: Rule 2: Please use ! for support questions.
So my comment shows in my history but cannot actually be accessed; was this comment counted? was that post counted? Was I counted as an active user yesterday if that was the only activity I did all day? Was the one person who upvoted my comment before the thread was deleted counted?
Lies, damn lies and statistics. :)
Kansas state is the rectangle on the right; Kansas City is one of those weird things which exists in both Kansas and Missouri next to each other, one was named after the other. Technically one is a small suburb of the other (150k ppl vs 2m ppl) - but for pub trivia, it does exist by name as an incorporated city in the state of Kansas.
The Missouri one is the bigger, more populated well known “KC” which is probably why it gets added to foreign pub trivia incorrectly (just a guess).