Something cursed about this comment
Something cursed about this comment
The “final” thing was never true though. Wholey based on an off the cuff remark by one engineer.
Don’t be naive. Every corpo that size has entire departments dedicated to branding and sales. It’s not about cultural sensitivity, it’s about what sells.
It’s because 9 is a registered six offender
In some eastern Asian cultures four is considered an unlucky number, similar to 13 in western cultures. Same reason OnePlus went 3-3t-5
The expression you’re looking for is “we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it” Not that it matters, it’s all water under the fridge anyway, mostly a moo point.
Difference is you get down votes for speech and not a prison sentence or sent to the front lines of a war meat grinder. Just for some perspective that you apparently need.