They’ve always sucked at making games. They weren’t always successful, though. Skyrim is the goose that laid the golden egg, and they’ll be hard-pressed to repeat that success.
They’ve always sucked at making games. They weren’t always successful, though. Skyrim is the goose that laid the golden egg, and they’ll be hard-pressed to repeat that success.
Like wealth disparity, you see people claiming more and more within the realm of IP. Where does this sort of land grabbing end?
“The problem with sites that extract text from movies and other content is that they reduce people’s desire to pay a fair price for content, which can lead to people not seeing the official full-length movies, causing great damage to rights holders,” the anti-piracy group explains.
This argument is not very convincing, and I highly doubt there’s any evidence to support it.
I love the new “Memories” feature. This update has really improved an already amazing game.
We should totally just go along with DRM, or they might decide to break other stuff. This is totally an innocent request, and far from attempted extortion.
Journalism has been dead for ages. Now, satire (like The Onion), that’s informative.
IFWiki is quite a good source, as well.
No idea. I just love all the sequence-breaking going on in that video. I lost count of the times the guy quickly quits and resumes the game, just so he can make a long trek out-of-bounds.
Now that I think about it, the cause-and-effect here is probably being viewed all wrong.
What likely happens is that a game comes out to overwhelming expectations, and the greater those player expectations are met, the more word-of-mouth gets around about the game. Thus, games that deserve to do well make more money, and pirates are less motivated to work on a crack right away.
If player expectations are not being met, the less success the game receives, and the more motivated pirates are to crack it (driven by their disgust at bad software).
The above scenarios probably do a good job of accounting for 20% of the revenue for a game.
Here’s the current WR speedrun, by the way.
Oh, yeah. That reminds me. I still haven’t played Disco Elysium yet.
I was about to say “insert obligatory Boeing joke here,” but I see we’ve got that covered. 👍️
The other four can’t read.
Okay, let’s see…
No mention of DRM in the reviews or anywhere in the forum…
No mention of DRM anywhere…
I agree with you. It is such a deep game, too. I’ve played it through twice, and I find myself thinking about playing it again.
You get downvoted for truth. That happened to me all the time on Reddit, at least.
Here’s the thing, though. Even if Trump somehow won the election, Elon Musk will still likely get indicted and get stabbed in the back by Trump. That’s kind of his thing. Trump doesn’t care about anybody but himself.
This seems like a good time to remind people to update to yt-dlp 2024.11.18, if they haven’t already.