Absolutely. I was going to suggest TOML as the standardized Linux format as well.
Absolutely. I was going to suggest TOML as the standardized Linux format as well.
I actually looked into it, although I didn’t like very much that the config file is actually a program and an odd language. They should have used something commonplace like JSON
Thought her pregnancy test said she was German for a sec
I also wish Linux used a standardized config file format.
Tbh I’ve been on !casualuk where politics is also banned and it made for a more chill environment
Now that is a good quote
Hmm, good idea. In my case it was a career that would allow me to move back to my home country (which I had to leave when I was a child). I’ll have a think about alternative ways to reinforce the identity that this path gave me.
not the other way around which is how this kind of feels.
In some ways it strike me that you seemed to see yourself as the future state person that you wanted to be rather than who you are.
Yeah, that seems to be the way my brain has been hard-wired to look at it rn :-( I will try to take a step back and reassess. I just have to find a way to detach myself from whatever my future plan will be which is hard.
Yes, it was a career with moving back to my home country (which I had to leave when I was a child) attached to it.
Thank you, this reply helps. You’re right, my post was quite vague, and I didn’t want children or found I was sterile, but the advice given to those people would actually perfectly fit my (completely different) situation too.
Hmm, I suppose it is quite vague. I just thought the problem was quite generic (and so would be its solutions) and thought the specifics would be a distraction.
Hmm ok, I’ll have a look at it
Just say you got ill.