Sounds like a military thing? Not a normal US civilian worker phrase.
Sounds like a military thing? Not a normal US civilian worker phrase.
the illegitimate supreme court is very much a danger.
My favorite depression meal is drugs and sleep.
Not back then when he was raping people but it was a secret?
But if I edit the word doc in notepad and rip out some of the metadata to corrupt it, I can submit it now and have another week to procrastinate before actually starting.
Your edit is wrong.
It doesn’t say they will charge you with trespassing for ignoring a no gun sign.
It says ‘failure to (respect the sign) could potentially result in you being asked to leave the premises.’
And that ‘refusing to leave when asked could result in trespassing’ which is what trespassing is.
There are people that use Firefox who also get served ads?
You mean Ctrl + Shift+ t t t t t t
Because the thing you needed was always like 6 tabs ago
Yeah. It’s called principles. Maybe when your corporate overlords have some for sale you’ll be and to afford them.
This is really just the ship from Our Flag Means Death
If a bicycle can’t handle being shipped I’m failing to understand how it can it handle being ridden…
Negligence of that order would surely be prosecuted.
You mean falling for a phishing scam? You must not have any experience in security if you truly believe that they’re going to prosecute someone for that lmao.
Of course, if the employee openly expressed their carelessness and distain for their employer that changes things but that seems unlikely to be the case in reality.
Neither did the bird.
I, too, have had the audacity to say WSL is useful on this community and it was also met with down votes. Purists hating and gate keeping, and then they wonder why Linux isn’t more popular.
Yeah but there’s nearly 4,000,000 of us for each of them. It’s a numbers game.