You don’t receive shares for free. You receive shares in return for your labour. You don’t become an equal member of a partnership as soon as you join.
You don’t receive shares for free. You receive shares in return for your labour. You don’t become an equal member of a partnership as soon as you join.
Benevolent dictator for life.
Please explain how you think that article relates to anything that has been said in this thread. No one other than you has tried to draw an equivalence between the holocaust and any other genocide.
Nothing says genocide apologist like insisting every genocide has to be exactly like to Holocaust to count as a genocide.
I can excuse murder, but I draw the line at bad metre…
I have never met a chihuahua that was happy, though. Every single one of them are hateful little bastards.
You can tell it’s British by the fact that there are two white vans and not a pick-up truck in sight.
For those who don’t know: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouba/kiki_effect
I am no visionary but if Linux doesn’t internalize this, I’m afraid some other kernel will do to it what it did to Unix.
Maybe that’s not a bad thing? If you ask me the GNU people are missing a trick. Perhaps if they rewrote Hurd in Rust they could finally shed that “/Linux”.
It’s also nasty.
Fair cop.