Nihilist here. Nope.
Nihilist here. Nope.
TBH I think it’s takes much stronger drugs to be compliant.
Too this was posted by a fascist.
Empire is devaluing its currency so fast that we’ll all be billionaires soon.
In this case the dystopia is the prohibition and storm troopers, not the robot dog.
Pale skinned boomers to be exact.
At my work we just make fun of all the BS hype, etc.
How long will y’all keep posting these counter-factual loser memes?
Maybe it’s a garbage system concocted by literal slave masters?
The liberal deer will never be mature enough for that reality.
The academic publishing grift is based on the same “IP” as proprietary software.
Grift recognize grift.
TBH I feel like many IT people are employed because they’re “microsoft certified”, not because they know anything about linux. This kind of gatekeeping is a big part of why windows is so entrenched.
IP is trash but it’s not going to be fixed by pseudo-scientific capitalist ideology.
Wear a kilt?
TBH I’ve never tried and nobody told me it was gay. But I’m a sweaty person and I would love to air out my crotch except for fear of social criticism.
they represent you
Are you 8 years old?
Yeah usa is also not supposed to ship weapons to war criminals. Guess which principle wins out though?
Because I live in one of the many many states were my vote doesn’t matter at all.
What’s the point of casting a worthless vote in favor of genocide?
People here act like we live in some kind of actual democracy lol.
Where I live, you basically gotta do the opposite of what’s “legal” to survive. Most bike lanes are unprotected death traps. Etc.
All Many of these “worsen safety” are irrelevant generalizations at best.
(edit: Ok, the last three bullet points about headphones/helmet/lights are more legit.)
Ofc capitalist media gonna smear this guy and libs gonna pile on with memes like this.