If I smell your raggedy ass feet I will tell the Zugführer
If I smell your raggedy ass feet I will tell the Zugführer
Mr. President there has been another cat food incident
White old men. The ultimative conservative power fantasy.
Any of the dozens political communities
Lol there are definitely treatments that are very expensive and not covered by some insurances. This is not a “statistic”, just opinion. USA has it way worse of course. But I remember my dad having to lend money from friends because some of my mom’s cancer treatments were not covered.
Edit: Also wtf why is this in shitpost
I don’t like them because I dont like turn-based combat. Glad the Final Fantasy series went away from that.
Fair. I just don’t like the artsyle with these weird eyes and 2m long legs
For the female gaze nonetheless. Real men watch bara.
Sure grandpa let’s get you to bed
Can’t wait for more copycats tbh
I don’t think this community is meant to be a billboard…
That’s a good question and easy to answer, so I’ll try: Anyone who didn’t see the movie, does not remember this scene. Glad I could help.
Don’t judge because of Eminem 😭, the new album came out this year I think, I don’t remember listening that much more to him.
yeah you definitely are around women usually 😂
I don’t see the point in stardew Valley and witcher, they are pretty self explanatory. But going in blind into Minecraft? Yeah, you’re not getting anything done.
Still one reason left to hate the book
Damn I bet Ho Chien hated Animal Farm
Good thing I don’t eat in trains or smoke.