I need to finish that at some point
I need to finish that at some point
What was it like in the before times?
I use TuxedoOS on my desktop at home and it’s been great there as well. Can’t recommend it enough.
I use TuxedoOS. I wanted something that kept up with the latest KDE updates which ran a cleaned up version of Ubuntu… that’s TuxedoOS to a T. I had looked at other options like Kubuntu or just installing KDE over something like PopOS, but TuxedoOS was the most stable and up to date of those options in my testing.
That said, I have run into innumerable problems on it due to apt repos that it doesn’t include which come standard on Ubuntu.
Yea I gotta agree with the other comment. This is just the same point worded differently over and over. Also why even bother with the AI script, probably AI generated video and AI voice?? Like why even bother making it in the first place?
It is currently impossible to run Digital Combat Simulator on linux, so I dualboot. Also the occasional xbox exclusive game.
That actually seems like a solid option. Do you happen to know how well it integrates with Traefik and the like for setting up reverse proxies?
What he might be referring to is that you can’t patent code, at least in the US. But, the lawsuit is in Japan, so who tf knows.
What would you recommend as an alternative? Right now I’m just using them for DNS.
I might be biased as Origins was my first cRPG other than KotOR, but I still love playing through it. Just a real solid high fantasy story thats a touch grittier than you’d expect.
I love Atton until about halfway through the game. It feels like he was half-finished and there’s just a huge section of the game where he has no more fun conversation.
How do you select which one to boot?
I really need to move my CIFS shares to NFS now that I’ve migrated to linux for everything. It’d probably fix half the errors I regularly have tbh.
I completely get where people are coming from with that opinion, but I’ve been playing MC for almost 15 years, and I’m having just as much if not more fun with the game now as I did at any other point in its development.
Minetest is super cool and can be very fun. I play a bit on it as well, but exclusively advertising for it on the platform of hur dur mineshit sucks, which isn’t necessarily what you’re doing, I just see that a lot, definitely isn’t the best way to go.
They’re not American??
You do realize that more than one place in the world doesn’t have free healthcare, and that there are legitimate problems with many healthcare systems around the world?
Elitism helps no one.
7200rpm. CMR, obviously with ZFS.
I’m sure I’m missing a touch of performance here or there, but I can’t notice, so who cares. It means I don’t have to go spend money on new RAM when I’m too broke to even eat most days lol
Not for me. Runs fine with minimal if any latency. Transfer speeds are not blazing fast, but typically sit in the 50MB/s or so range over samba
Honestly, I run my TrueNAS with obly 8GiB and it does great. That said, I’m not doing any deduplication or anything, and my pool is only 3 drives at a total of ~15TB iirc
This was a super cool video. I love the channel anyway, but this video was particularly good.