I would check out tutorials or YouTube videos. Try: https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/sabnzbd-in-container-manager-on-a-synology-nas/
Un Dorian Gray sin pasado, ni patria ni bandera.
I’m just a guy in the #pnw who likes going on adventures, and playing games with friends.
Three things I love: the Oxford Comma, irony, and missed opportunities.
#hiking #camping #ttrpg #pathfinder2e #pf2e #dnd #travel #knitting / #knitter #baking #games #pdx #privacy
I would check out tutorials or YouTube videos. Try: https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/sabnzbd-in-container-manager-on-a-synology-nas/
Yeah, given my druthers I’d rather summer time, but that seems unlikely happen any time soon. So honestly, I’ll be happy if we no longer have to change clocks twice a year regardless of which we align with.
Oregon Senate just passed that bill. Here’s hoping.
And then we block that instance! Or it gets defederated.
Well, this thread has strengthened my desire to adopt a teen from foster care. I technically have/had a family but they were more like roommates than parents. Left at 18 and never looked back. Had my share of lonely holidays that I would dread when they came around. I’m not trying to say I’ve had the same story as those here, but I get some parts of it really well. I’m finally at a place where maybe I can prevent that from happening to someone else.