And I assume that it may also vary from prison to prison, as prisons are privatised in the US?
And I assume that it may also vary from prison to prison, as prisons are privatised in the US?
Jesus, people don’t even get internet access in US prisons?
Even though this is a great idea, it’s also incredibly unreasonable.
There will be people cheating the hell out of this, because let’s face it. What people need is not a free computer. They need food and money.
What ever that is possible to scrape from these machines, the market will open for it today if you launch your computer tomorrow.
It’s a nice thought, but it’s the wrong way going around this. If you really want to make a difference, you open up your business somewhere in an area you want to help and you create jobs.
Stable income is a sure way road to decrease in crinimal activity and a more safe society. THEN you can consider providing free stuff, when there’s no reason to abuse it.
Maybe I’m too pessimistic, and I’d love to be convinced otherwise.
Thank you so much! I was just about to list up all my services to get the right architecture, and I’ve added Portainer to my list.
This is a get-started guide I found for Portainer if anyone else is interested.
Our man is hard flexing on us mortals right now.
The Pi-Hole is mostly for my phone. Can’t really block ads in apps with uBlock.
Laptop is mostly for remote access to my other services.
Thanks for also recommending docker! I’ve read about it, but I was not sure if it would be useful here.
No, not at all.
They only commit genocide and war crimes, but only a very specific group of them still.
Rest of the Jews are normal people being kind.
Yeah, Spotify made that deal with podcasts. They wanted them on their platform so bad, that they fucked every single paying customer they have.
I have Spotify Premium Duo, and it’s the same thing on podcasts.
You seem like the guy who kept writing in hand and didn’t want to use the typewriter, even though it went 2x times faster.
Or the guy who kept writing the typewriter and didn’t want to use the computer.
You see the point?
I would say it’s 100% load for maybe 3 minutes, so maybe it’s normal.
It makes my system overload so my PiHole stops processing.
But it sounds like maybe it’s normal and a background service using too much sometimes?
Omg I have CPU spikes on my Raspberry Pi. Maybe it’s infected too, and how would I ever find out?
Is there some software I can run to check?
Just to understand bridges:
Is it possible for me if, let’s say, I bridged Messenger, WhatsApp and Discord into Matrix, that I could write to anyone from that app only via bridges?
Or how does it work?
Anyone here tried Matrix and Discord?
Is Matrix even close to be as good? I want to do the switch, but there’s no way I convince any of my friends, if it’s not at least a little better at something.
Hold on boys, there’s an actual chance that our generation will be gamer gods for all time to come.