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if you voted for Trump you’re going to Hell, and this is why… he looked like the Easy Way to you… you took the Easy Way, and that’s what you go to Hell for, you cowards…
if you’re a man and you voted for Trump, you’re a Momma’s Boy, just like Mike Pence and Bill O’Reilly… you were coddled…
and i don’t give a damn about any of you hellbound assholes… you can all rot…
momma’s boy: (n) a man who’s used to getting attention just because he threatens to throw a fit; see cunt
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Hollywood producers out there making enemies wherever they can
maybe it’s “writing scrolls”, but this meme just swapped in the word book… it’s just the idea that instead of actually going out and achieving something new, people are satisfied with being commentators on the important events of the past…
he was right… their world did end…
you can’t get even decent Assyrian Ale anywhere these days
do your best, i don’t expect much from Vikings or hippies
you’re afraid someone will use the word overrated on your enthusiasm… also, you continue to demonstrate my point by trying to attack me personally… it’s what a coward does…
you sound scared to have an opinion
so, i sound like a human… you sound like beep boop…
not nearly as good or enjoyable as many people suggest
you just reiterated your disdain for enthusiasm and nothing more, demonstrating how meaningless the word is… you are a chatbot…
the word overrated means nothing and is used by cowards to try to discourage enthusiasm for things they can never comprehend… it needs to be burnt on a word pyre… it’s impossible to overrate The Beatles, only a figment of the Matrix would think that…
i saw a t-shirt in a Mexican tourist town once that said it depends on what you drink, and it explained it like this:
Beer = I’m invincible!
Whiskey = I’m invulnerable!
Tequila = I’m invisible!
go out and plant a shrub
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that is what i call a BBB game
and it all started with Walt Disney and some bluegrass bears
to get jeans without issues these days you pretty much have to grow your own
wrong… governments are how we settle differences practically… ideologies exist only in our minds…
ideologies belong in the home and the church, not in my government
if you even threaten to interfere with this guy, the Wisconsin Dairy Association will send hitmen to your house