Twingate is another option if it’s just device to device networking and you trust all the devices that are in your network. It’s free for personal use and peer to peer so no issues with TOS if you’re streaming.
Twingate is another option if it’s just device to device networking and you trust all the devices that are in your network. It’s free for personal use and peer to peer so no issues with TOS if you’re streaming.
In the first mission of Battlezone, it’s possible to travel out of the map and find a 1960s lunar lander that you can enter and pilot. It’s equipped with a one of a kind super weapon that plays trance music as you fire it.
Unfortunately it’s only available in the first mission and you can’t take it with you to subsequent missions.
yeah. That kind of money is top 5% of homes in most of Europe outside very wealthy areas and districts like Zurich. In the UK the average house price is about £300k ($400k)
sudo ps -ef | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r kill -9
You get a qualified tradesperson to wire it properly into your electrical distribution.
the cat should be allowed to make their own mistakes
yes so you’re agreeing with me
Yup, but you have to think “how would malicious software/spyware/whatever get in our source code and if it does, how would we detect it?”
that’s where ISO and SOC II add value and give some assurance that detective, preventative and corrective controls exist and are working to prevent an issue.
If the company maliciously inserts back doors into closed source code and sells it like that, no amount of external audit is going to defend against that because they’ll just hide the code from the auditors.
the closest you’ll get is probably SOC II Type 2 or ISO 27001. While nowhere near perfect, those certifications validate that organisational controls such as change management, employee background screening, SDLC and production access controls functioned over the past 12 months. An external audit by an accredited specialist is required to obtain those certifications.
it’s pro hoc, not cum hoc. which is to not say that it is not objectively, very funny.
i don’t think there are any. priority is based on how much you think you could take rival vehicles in a fight.
… we got sweat and pain,
hundreds and hundreds of hours squashing people with the Manta
doing so would disrupt the trolley service causing the company to lose profits, so here’s the reverse ask: why wouldn’t you do this?
“and now here’s a big tax cut for the mega rich!”