I hate that my graphics card has some kind of lights I can’t turn off. I’ve never been interested in any of that stuff
I hate that my graphics card has some kind of lights I can’t turn off. I’ve never been interested in any of that stuff
Final fantasy. The controls and cera on oot we’re so annoying I quit after about 30 minutes. That’s not to say ff doesn’t have its own issues with camera and such.
Native English, conversational japanese, survival German (I was conversational at one point, but it’s mostly gone), a tiny bit of french (same as German), very basic Spanish, and a tiny bit of Hebrew (I wanted to learn something in the semitic family and it seemed less intimidating than Arabic to start with)
I grew up in a very small Ohio town. I moved to Houston, Texas and met one person from the same town and later one from a town over at a bar.
I quit Facebook/etc. not long after moving to Tokyo. I ran into a guy from Columbus, Ohio that I knew from when I lived there.
I’ve also run into friends of friends randomly in Tokyo.
Now, I love away from Tokyo in the countryside, so I’ll be super surprised if I meet anyone again, but who knows.
Edit: for context, on a business day, there are more than 30 million people plus tourists in the Tokyo metro
I’m supposed to avoid gluten these days, but a banh mi is frequently on my mind
Yeah, I actually felt bad last night about my wording choice and explanation, so apologies for that. Thank you as well for engaging. Cheers!
I see your point. There was just something about the wording that really made it feel unfinished/unverified to me and led me down the path of thought I went on. Of course, very few people in the world know everything on a given topic and no one is infallible. I guess it was just the phrasing that really made me suspicious.
And what you’re saying now is, “What you said doesn’t align to what I think, so I’m sure you’re wrong.”
I had to start work so sorry for the delayed response. No, I didn’t assert that you were wrong. I did say the wording left a lot of room to be suspicious.
I appreciate the source above and, indeed, it looks like I was wrong on that specific part (at least according to three other source, including ballotpedia).
Edit for clarity: my reasoning was not “you are wrong because I don’t agree” but rather the wording itself just gave me an off feeling (even had I agreed with it fully).
I had to start work and I was talking about actual post rather than comments, but I suppose that’s a fair criticism. I did mean it to mean that I was coming back to it (as I am now).
I took it to mean “I don’t know if this is actually true or not, but I’m going to post it anyway” which is exactly where tons of quickly-spreading misinformation comes from and how it gets passed on.
Specifically, the claim that it’s the popular vote overall seems off to me, though I don’t currently have time to look into it (I did some quick googling but did not get a conclusive answer). What I mean to say is that, yes, all of the electoral votes are allocated to whomever is considered a winner and it is not proportional (except in two states). I was under the impression, however, that it went by districts so whomever won the most districts got the full share of votes (i.e. not the overall statewide popular vote).
Generally, the person stating a claim is the one that needs to substantiate that claim. If someone makes a post and then says in their own post “I’m probably not right but I can’t be bothered to check yet am still going to post anyway”, that strikes me as lazy at best and vain or shady at worst.
Maine and Nebraska are the notable differences who allot individual electors based on the popular vote within their congressional districts and the overall popular vote. It’s possible there are other exceptions and I’m sure commenters will happily point them out.
I mean, this just says “I didn’t research things and you shouldn’t take what I say seriously” to me.
Modern dialectal ax is as old as Old English acsian and was an accepted literary variant until c. 1600.
So older, yes, but also possibly a separate phenomenon unless certain people happened to still use that variant when enslaving people.
Language Jones is a great channel!
I used them for word processing stuff in school and it was fine. I was mostly working on Amiga at home at the time, moreso than DOS/Windows.
I’m in my 40s and basically have two jobs on top of housework. If I do play a retro game, I want things like save states since I’m probably playing more for a nostalgia kick than anything else and want to be able to put it down and pick it up (as well as not have to re-do things in games with save points few and far between).
I threw up in one once. I actually don’t recall anything any worse than what it usually was. I actually went further into the evangelical baptist rabbit hole as my family drifted a bit from it, but that would reverse and end with me being an atheist-leaning agnostic.
I do remember Sunday school teachers being angry that I was allowed to have D&D books and games. In a different church when I was in middle or high school, I quoted the movie name “Oh God you Devil” and my buddy whose family took me to church slapped me. That was a good time. /s
I live in a rural area in northern Japan.
We just started a few months ago (we were supposed to get the house last year but, due to various factors, we couldn’t take possession and get moved in until just before April). We’re definitely learning a lot about farming and what works for our land and environment but, because of the time we got the house, we’ve been super rushed. I think we’ll do better next year.
My goal is to position myself to deal with a lot of products foreigners living in Japan want and have trouble getting. That’s a lot of peppers, different types of beans, etc.
Thank you! I’ll see what I can find