The only two games I have that I’ve put more than 1000 hours in are Factorio and Rimworld. I’d highly recommend both.
The only two games I have that I’ve put more than 1000 hours in are Factorio and Rimworld. I’d highly recommend both.
It’s not actually wrong, but it certainly didn’t answer the actual question.
I got all but one achievement in Subnautica, and all of the achievements in Below Zero (the sequel) in my first playthrough of both games, just from taking my time and thoroughly exploring both of the worlds and completing the story without even consciously trying to go for the achievements.
With that said, they are open world games and at times don’t really give you a whole of guidance as to what you need to do next. So you are kind of left to explore and figure it out on your own. If you don’t like that sort of game you might end up hating them by the end too.
I was always a bit impressed by those shuttles. They are warp capable and apparently capable of maintaining warp speed for at least several weeks making them more of a starship themselves than just a shuttle. Not bad for something the size of a large van.
And here I thought it was referring to “Robot Rock”. Though I suppose that’s only two words.
It would be theoretically possible in a universe based upon non-Euclidean geometry.
But then who is manning the guns?
It certainly could. That’s the gamble you’re taking.
I usually replace drives after 5 years if they are doing anything I consider important. So those drives to me would have 1-2 years left in them. Of course, I have seen a good number of drives I have repurposed to things less important still manage to rack up impressive numbers of hours.
For me, it wasn’t just the story, but also just randomly going out and exploring, checking things out, and finding cool (and sometimes scary) things.
It’s one of those games that I’m hoping in like 10 years or something I’ll have forgotten enough of it that if I go play it again it’ll be mostly all new again.
Boiling a mug of water by blowing hot air on it is going to take a while. My guess is if someone was to try this (which I don’t recommend) it’s going to take longer than 10-12 minutes.