Enjoying their freedom to be enslaved, as long as its freedom.
Enjoying their freedom to be enslaved, as long as its freedom.
I have a monthly recurring donation to the GiveWell Top Charities fund. GiveWell ranks charities by efficiency (i.e. impact per dollar) and distributes the funds donations to the most effective ones. Those include fighting malaria, world hunger, child blindness,…
Oh no, they bought a camper and a pool, those dirty criminals. We should give 100x more of our money to those who really deserve it, so they can buy their third private jet.
Its a similar situation. You ‘cant do anything about anything’ and handing out band-aids is ‘better than nothing’. Would ‘giving someone a band-aid is a good thing’ be your stance in that situation or would you find it rather inappropriate?
Technically youre right, but would you say the same if Putin started handing out band-aids to ukrainians who just lost their families?
Yeah sure, ‘murder is okay if its the bad guys’. I think Ive heard that somewhere before…
Thats what I said, seemed like an unpopular opinion…
It was not about self defense, they were saying ‘go and shoot that fucker in the face’
Just yesterday I read a post about a woman being stalked by a supposed Nazi. At least 5 comments were quite literally ‘buy a gun and shoot him’, those had by far the most upvotes. When I said I hope theyre joking, I got downvoted and told you dont joke around when it comes to Nazis.
Please dont throw them away though, just cut out the sprouts. Theyre perfectly edible.
You mean the seventy-secoth
Again with the troll bs? Youre so embarrassing. Like you just said, its public, so why would you say Im lying? Theres noone reading your comment besides me, noone to prove anything to other than yourself. Also comment upvotes dont mean shit, I dont fucking care if youre controversial or whatever, youre the one who started this childish debate.
Please seriously think about how you treat people. If everyone that doesnt kiss your ass when you insult them is a troll to you, youre gonna live a very sad life.
Funny how me calling you out immediately makes me an asshole in your eyes^^ really show how down to earth you are.
Also how fckin delusional do u have to be to shit on my comment history while 90% of your comments have negative votes. Wtf xD
You were being a dick and the sooner you realize it the sooner you can work on that. Obviously youre the one who cant handle being called out.
PS: justifying your shitty behaviour by pretending the other is a troll is seriously sad.
Man, I dont know what happened to you but you need to work on your insecurities. Youre the one who started insulting out of nowhere and they handled it very respectfully, you should be thankful
I dont know what part of your comment contradicts anything I said. If you are saying I shouldnt have said ‘vaping is healthier’ but instead ‘vaping is 99% likely to be healthier’, then yeah, sure.
Wow. How can there be a single person in australia paying so much for slowly killing themselves?
Level scaling is usually used to make development easier, so making it optional would require the extra work to come up with appropriate enemy strength and the eoptional scaling effect on top.