Ime, not really. It feels daunting the first time, but the installation guide on the wiki is actually really good at holding your hand through it.
Just be careful not to skip any sections
Ime, not really. It feels daunting the first time, but the installation guide on the wiki is actually really good at holding your hand through it.
Just be careful not to skip any sections
TMDB — themoviedb (dot) com
I did seem to gain around 10s in a compilation workload that takes just under 2 minutes (after the switch), but I didn’t perform any actual benchmark
Is there any meaningful difference between installing CachyOS and installing Arch but setong up the CachyOS repositories and using CachyOS’ kernel? I did the latter, and things seem to work fine
Or both! Debian on my server, arch on my desktop, btw
I have never used macOS in my life but I can confidently say that there is no “if not worse” when it comes to windows. If you have used macOS or linux for a few years you have been shielded by how much shit windows is these days. I have had to install windows on my partner’s pc due to software requirements and let me tell you it’s straight up horrifying. The next person that dares tell me that windows is easier than linux or that it “just works” is getting a punch in the face.
Spotify didn’t work because a “system component” was missing. Spotify obviously gave no sign about this, instead opting to displaying a missing dll error.
Setting up a samba share on my linux server took a few minutes, and it was visible and usable by my linux box, my iPhone, and my partner macbook without issues. Windows could see the share but not access it because I have it set up to allow anonymous usage (which maps to an almost permission-less user on the server), and apparently windows 11 requires changing THREE different registry keys to allow the client to access shares anonymously despite the server explicitly relying on it (password auth is disabled on the server).
Simpler my ass.
If the time is off by that much after being powered off, this tells me two things:
An incorrect clock can absolutely cause network issues, so I would bet that’s what is causing you trouble
Why are you using networkd instead of networkmanager on a desktop?
What a weird question. Networkd works anywhere systemd works, why whould desktops be any different.
It’s the same as asking someone “why are you using systemd-boot instead of grub?” Because I like systemd boot better and it’s easier to configure. Same with networkd, configuration is stupid simple, I have installed it on my work machine even.
As for op: since you can manually ping ip addresses and the issue seems to be time-based, could it be that your machine is somehow not renegotiating a dhcp lease?
Don’t know why you are getting downvoted, it’s absolutely true. Raw specs these days mean relatively little. With smart frequency boosts that vary with thermals, CPU and GPU on the same package, different workloads stressing different components differently, RAM bandwidth playing different roles for CPU and GPU applications, and many other factors, just stating that the M4 has so and so many cores is practically useless.
The only real way to gauge performance differences is via benchmarks and measuring sustained workloads.
Im my defense, I did test it. It was working for me.
But then someone else touched it without understanding it or flipped the truth value returned by one of the functions used by my code without properly fixing the call sites.
Edit: or they had a merge conflict and they don’t know how to correctly resolve those.
deleted by creator
Does it trigger you that I am saying that Russia invaded Ukraine? You seem to be quite tilted about it. Maybe learn the meaning of words before using them, I am being the opposite of evasive. You said I am wrong, and I said I have nothing to be wrong about because I did not provide opinions, only a single fact: Russia invaded Ukraine.
Maybe try debating people when you learn to form coherent thoughts. What I said is “Russia invaded Ukraine”, there is no bad faith or lying about it. It is an objective fact.
It does indeed seem that someone is stupid and lazy between the two of us, try looking in a mirror and you’ll find them.
I know I’m wrong? Notice you replied on my first and, at the time, only message in the whole thread. And my statement is the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine.
So no, I don’t know I’m wrong. In fact I know I’m right.
Nato is a defensive alliance, not an offensive one. The only way it could be perceived as a “threat” by Russia is id Russia had intention of expanding in that direction.
And what happened to the self-determination of countries, if countries like, say, Sweden and Finland want to join NATO as additional defence against a militaristic expansionist Russia, that is absolutely their right.
But since you are not debating in good faith, I’m not gonna spend more words and effort on this.
Was it western hegemonic interests that started an invasion of Ukraine? I seem to recall it was Russia.
There are plenty of pasta dishes and sauces that use cream, and while sour cream is not used in italian cuisine I think it tastes amazing :)
So I can absolutely see sour cream working in pasta
Not necessarily. Timestamps, file paths, and other environment metadata can easily sneak into an executable and make a program not build reproducibly