we agree more voting is better.
we agree more voting is better.
this scheme has no incentive to actually vote. It would likely help many people in voting, but a lot would just go fishing or stay home to play games. I’m not saying make it a crime to not vote.
tax incentives to vote sounds like a giveaway to tax-prep companies and tax-software companies, none of whom should exist at all.
and all of this when the whole voting structure is fucked – first-past-the-post is when one candidate gets more than another, even if they get a small minority of votes.
I used to agree that election day should be a bank holiday, but many many still have to work on bank holidays. Now I’m in a populous red state and in-person early voting has been available for years.
I voted early in 22 and in 20. Not sure how old the law is. I think I can vote early all the way up to Saturday, maybe Sunday. too lazy to check.
I think this is a better solution, mail voting notwithstanding. Voting doesn’t have to go on for a whole month, but a week or two early makes sense.
Anyways I’ll be voting sometime between now and Tuesday.
Food service workers do not scrub down like OR personnel. They really need to wash their hands routinely and wear hairnets and not touch their privates. The whole thing of Subway employees donning a new pair of gloves for each sandwich is just theatre. Go into any professional kitchen away from public view and you will not see the cooks and chefs wearing gloves.
there’s no new big wall of information from the NY Times. ask them, what’s the scoop? my opinion, take a moment. wtf are you doing?
we all need to consider, it costs money to fund quality journalism. we have to be aware of the many forces working against basic silly journalism, like what’s happening at the school board.
Here I am, mister froggy, and my hat is slay, and I bought a subscription to a VPN controlled by an Israeli company
don’t do that. dm me but don’t do that
go to the farmer’s market and find a cool person and say “I need that good shit”
programmers just not a uniform bunch. not all of them blockchain grifters. fancy that.
i love it, but the “bag” to which you refer, is a plastic bag. the freezer? that you bought at a big box store? or say you bought second hand? that all requires massive amounts of infrastructure. Massive amounts of power. Massive engineering projects to bring you that power.
you’re not a hippy just because you store veggies in the freezer.
imagine if we just said, we’re all farmers! all this green space… acres that only get mowed …
Holy crap what have you done
What happens when you bring a cat her toy?
She sighs, exasperated, and says, “I wanted you to open all the cabinet doors you fucking moron”
Your creds could be diminished based on which usenet forums you frequented. I had a little while in my 90s youth obsessed with researching marihuana, libertarian ideals, and discrediting Scientology in the alt.scientology groups. Not great, kind of normal for usenet, but there were much darker places to inhabit there. Worst of all was posting from my university account with my real name.
The hard “c” sound as you see in America is always a ‘k’ auf deutsch.
Cycling, role playing games, hiking groups, theater, local, community, local community theater, fascism, beating up people I don’t like
Looks cool man but as an extreme introvert, I worry about the false dichotomy of intro/extro. I’m fucked up and isolated because that’s what I want. I’m also decent at interpersonal relations, but it hurts my brain to do sales. Because I don’t want you to buy the thing I am trying to sell you.
Even librarians love snacks
Ooo gottem