I just use it if the package/dependencies aren’t available or functional in the default arch repo. I like to be able to turn nuts and bolts but also avoid it when it’s inconvenient.
2 package managers is fine for me.
I just use it if the package/dependencies aren’t available or functional in the default arch repo. I like to be able to turn nuts and bolts but also avoid it when it’s inconvenient.
2 package managers is fine for me.
No that’s just called the SWAT technique. It’s the cowards way out.
Switching jobs or self employment misses the point and fails to resolve the issue of obligation on grounds of survival. Living on the street isn’t exactly a solution either.
I think the argument is that the 9-5 is torturous by a particularly direct comparison to sysiphus. Granted, most work is easier than pushing a boulder, but just as life stealing.
all philosophy will sound bad if you imagine the worst possible case scenario it could apply to
all philosophy will sound bad profitable if you imagine the worst possible case scenario it could apply to
I love doing a good job and completing a project. Those moments are wonderful and i cherish them deeply but they’re fleeting. The obligation to have and maintain a career for survival is the issue. I like the work i do, i loath that i have to do it.
Yeah but videogames can actually be fun for a while. I suspect work would be far more bearable if everything could be completed. I would be much happier if I didn’t need a job to survive or have a decent standard of living.
Did it say anything about needing a soul to survive?
They’re certainly exercising thought
It’s weird, I followed the instructions too closely opposed to basing it on emotional response. Not sure whether i would answer differently responding emotionally. I’m only in 7% agreement with the sample population lol!
I find the statistics mildly disturbing on the last query.
Sesame street characters don’t have names. They are referred to by their species.
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I used to hate this but legit like it now.
I’m striking “a” from my vocab. Consonants also get an now. “So i gave him an knuckle sandwich.” beautiful 🤩
The fox news viewer see CNN as “leftist” and anything further as “The Commies”. CNN/MSNBC/whatever "liberal” orgs see themselves as the leading charge of the liberal movement and anything more progressive or actually leftist as “The Commies”.
Ehh, can’t expect anything short of that sort of bias from corporate media.
IMO the biggest problem is media. They report through a center-right lens and focus on sensationalism. So all people see of the left is the “check your privilege cis white boy” and “anarchists have burned down the entire city” BS lines instead of the vast aid efforts and daily work.
Oh we didn’t buy things with apples as you youths like to do these days. Our apples were too big to use as money.
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So I wore my wallet on a chain, which was the style at the time.
95% chance you’re going to get that advice regardless.
Yeah that’s hard to see when i have to boot windows for work every weekday.
The issues are the little things, like 300ms lag here or there where things are instant on Linux. Or the flashing taskbar icon when an app wants your attention. Or the obfuscated settings. Or the ‘everything is an edge applet’. Or the cpu fans racing to send data back and forth with MS services. (Seriously try simplewall sometime. It’s scary to see the connections, and blocking them makes your computer silent)
Booting into Linux at the end of the day is such a relief every single time.