Celebrate all the things!
Celebrate all the things!
ultra.cc seems to have some good packages, will try this one, thank you
I dont know, are they?
this looks interesting, gonna give it a go
As I’ve understood, privacy badger reliability on heuristic classification of trackers can help blocking the latest trackers that are still not present in ublock origin lists. And cookie autodelete allows me to choose which cookies I want to keep and delete the rest. And Strict mode only blocks cross-site cookies, I want them all deleted.
Ublock Origin Privacy badger Cookie AutoDelete
I never remember the user scripts, gotta check that
Go for a book to gain the knowledge, examples: https://bookauthority.org/books/best-network-protocols-books
love this kind of brain dumps
a whole page when viewing the subscribed communities
I tend to concern with my wellbeing, the wellbeing of those close to me and try to not concern about those things that I cannot control.
I tend to take interest in a lot of topics/hobbies and move from one topic to the next, trying to learn the most about it.
I’m a bit competitive and use games and sports to boost my ego, always focusing on more training when I cannot win. But no giving it too much attention that it makes me feel bad for not being the best I could be (It’s not my main focus nor my income).
A problem I often see is with profiling from your data, imagine in a matter of three months you searched in google “remedies for headaches”, “what causes stomach pains”, “blood in feces”, your profile might get a flag warning possible colon cancer, now the next year your health insurance rises to double, because of the possibility of you developing cancer.
This is just a single cenario where they collect info about you and profile you and then sell the data to insurance companies, insurance pays big time because this info is valuable to them. How do you feel about this and what other cenarios can you imagine where your profile could fuck you up?
Yeah, it really feels like a new kind of forum.
Before I used forums to discover topics of interest, then the same thing was possible on reddit, lots of micro communities centered around a subject, no need to host your forum anymore, well now reddit showed its ugly face and lemmy seems a nice replacement
Good for you, i havent deleted shit, but don’t visit them often, changed my habits, dont regret it.
E-pen used to be a joke to measur you eletronic-penis and people would joke about it being you ego and used to measure the shit you did online, now e-pen seems to be real where people measure the number of followers to evaluate a person’s worth, we are going in the wrong direction…
“Do no evil” - yeah right
Were they hosting the youtube-dl source?