It did cross my mind, but I find that giving actual answers is more productive :)
Have fun with your terminal adventures!
Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.
#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork
It did cross my mind, but I find that giving actual answers is more productive :)
Have fun with your terminal adventures!
And plenty more:
In my school we were treated as adults and were expected to behave accordingly. Bathroom breaks did not require permission.
Storytelling is about anticipation. Setting up the environment in which the narrative can unexpectedly take you somewhere.
When you next read anything, look at the mechanics of the process, what is revealed, when, how and why.
The OP screenshot is from the TV series “Criminal Minds”. My comment is about a TV series “Bones”.
The UI in the OP screenshot looks like an X11 window manager from the mid to late 1990’s.
Bones shows an “Amiga”, that looks suspiciously like an IBM PC-AT complete with 5.25” floppy playing Doom.
There are several YouTube videos around that will stop you from ever putting any chewing gum into your mouth, not to mention the trove of videos showing just how processed food is made in bulk.
That seems adequate.
You say that phones and mobile devices stream fine. Os that from your media server, or the internet?
How does internet streaming work on the Google TV and Apple TV?
Essentially you need to keep eliminating causes until there’s one left.
Which type of Wi-Fi and what type of wired connection?
I suspect that there’s not enough bandwidth available.
How are these devices connected to the network and how is your media server connected?
So, how did Murdoch, Musk and the other “heirs” get their gig?
What do you think that the difference is between a meme post and public conversation?
The experience depends entirely on which shop you go to, how much space there is for your trolley, which model of self-checkout you encounter, how well the touch screen is calibrated and cleaned, which software version is installed and when the last time was that maintenance was done on it, not to mention what state the previous user left it
In other words, it’s a stressful and moving feast that many, myself included, absolutely detest.
Open Nebula is apparently their new platform of choice,
Never heard of it.
What makes you think that new hardware coming from a manufacturer is more secure than second hand hardware?
There’s numerous examples of hardware being compromised before it even got into its original packaging, let alone those intercepted during shipment.
In other words, at some point you need to realise that there are no guarantees in life.
It has. I use it everyday. It’s shit. Apple keeps moving windows to different desktops without user interaction, I can’t snap windows to each other, full screen takes over a whole desktop and ESC inside such a window puts it back to some random state.
Better Touch Tool did a better job a decade or so ago.
What is the use case for hosting this?
I can open any PDF on any computer, either locally, if the file is on the local filesystem, or via the internet, served using a simple web server and any filesharing system in-between.
I moved to Linux over 25 years ago and I miss absolutely nothing.
The joy of not having to update your OS when Microsoft forces it, even whilst you’re working, or the way Apple still cannot do window tiling despite decades of examples on how to achieve this, or installing applications and finding files splattered all over the file system with no way to remove them except manually, or the endless user agreements, licence fees, expiring licensees, or the notion that you cannot run a new OS on an old machine that’s in perfect working order.
So, no, it was the best decision I’ve made.
I wish that I’d made the same good decision when it comes to my accounting software.
Consider the machine being on 24/7 and cooling.
Furthermore, depending on the current power supply, you might need to upgrade it to keep everything running.