TiL. I’m going to have to play around with this, thank you!
TiL. I’m going to have to play around with this, thank you!
I’ve been using a pair of scissors to cut my spagetti, a knife would probably be way easier to clean. Thanks for the tip, I’ll let everyone know how it goes!
I feel bad for both parties in these scams. The scammer, from what I’ve read, is duped into the job and threatened with violence and death (along with their family) to continue the work. On the other side are the poor kids who risk a level of psychological damage that may take years to repair, if it can be repaired…all for a few bucks
Check out this podcast (I’m sure you can find it on your favourite podcast app)
If you’re on a scam binge, the NYT (yes, I know) Daily podcast did a piece on how drug cartels are scamming people using the sale of property
Also you can export your client list, which is helpful when migrating from machine to machine
I’m also on Gnome, but I use Konsole for the ‘Copy Input to Tab’ or ‘Copy Input to All Tabs in window.’ In my use case scenario, it’s super helpful to be able to type or paste a cmd once, and have it populate multiple tabs, or specific tabs in multiple windows. It does take a little tweaking to get it to obey the dark theme settings, but once upon a time I actually created a custom dark theme, just so I could use Konsole on Gnome. Things are much easier these days 😁 I’ll have to check out Tilix, I haven’t heard of it before, but that may be b/c I literally work by myself in the dank dark basement of the building…I don’t think the cleaning crew even knows that I’m down here
The microplastics in my body laugh at arsenic’s petty attempt on my life!