I’ll be sure to check it out, thanks!
I’ll be sure to check it out, thanks!
Thanks, G
As funny as that is, I can’t imagine Google would want to hide anything more than this piece of knowledge right here.
Do you mind elaborating on your search setup? I’d like to be able to avoid a ton of bullshit especially while working.
I’ve never seen this acronym, but I’m pretty sure it says reading the fucking manual
I think the reason I’m bitching about it is because it’s made it into my home. My SO’s friend got got by the ads, then gifted a similar cup as a gift (essentially got double got)
But now I gotta look at it multiple times a day
I don’t believe they are the same company but I could be wrong.
It’s a godamn status symbol, and it’s a cup. A cup.
A 45-60 dollar cup.
The next time someone says advertising doesn’t work, I want you to show them this meme.
So that’s why I saw that door with two separately labeled butt plugs on it instead of handles
This is gonna be the riskiest thing I click all day.
Edit maybe not, I’ve seen that scene so many times and I’ve never heard what he said I guess, that’s disgusting.
Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out
Edit: dang these are snazzy
What a shame, they have the best looking cases imo.
Well anyone knows of a company that I can replace them with?
I saw some of the picture and decided I’m going to wait an indefinite amount of time before I continue reviewing and self-reflecting.
Just to be clear, I am NOT in this picture.
Dudes playing tee-ball over here.
I also went to go check his profile to see if he’s just rage baiting, and I got blocked within minutes because his opinions are small.
@ill_be_a_billionaire_one_day_so_yall_chill_a_little, you’re gonna run out of internet if you keep talking like this and blocking everyone who has a problem with it.
Well no. Only 90% of them. And barely.
Lol this is filthy
I was honestly disgusted at first because I know for a fact this is what they see.