And he did give them a better life. They ate him because it served the movie’s plot. Also wtf was mufasa doing to make all the land more sunny? Was it that whole circle of life thing where he gets to eat his subjects?
And he did give them a better life. They ate him because it served the movie’s plot. Also wtf was mufasa doing to make all the land more sunny? Was it that whole circle of life thing where he gets to eat his subjects?
This is why pirating is justified. If you want your shows to last forever, torrent them, and keep them seeded.
It usually involves trying to start some shit with Russia.
It also doesn’t make much sense in the particular context considering on a genetic level Palestinians are as Semitic as modern Ashkenazi jews. And it doesn’t make much sense from a religious stand point because modern Judaism differs from ancient Judaism by about the same amount as Christianity or Islam does. Modern Judaism just has this dogma that Ancient Judaism was secretly observing their form of it even though if we don’t take them at their word there isn’t a lot of evidence of that.
So from a religious standpoint it doesn’t make a lot of sense. And from an ethnic standpoint it makes even less sense.
And also we don’t let Europeans say “these are our ethnic lands” without calling them racist. So then why would we let people who are like 2% ethnic ancient jewish retroactively claim ethnic ownership of some land without calling them racist? They will claim it’s not about race and about religion. Ok, which is worse, a group of highly militant ethno-nationalists, or a group of highly militant theo-nationalists? Zionists are always one of two bad things and they will use arguments to play wackamole about which one to deflect the claims of one. Apparently if you are two bad things at once and it is unclear if you are both or just one of those things you get unlimited license to be both of those bad things.
Exactly. And you aren’t a terrorist after you win your country back. That’s like the British partnering with America to fight terrorism being ironic because of George Washington. Different era is different era. Whether people like it or not the Taliban run an actual government.
It sounds like everyone but mods should be able to see voters. But of course they will use straw accounts. What if only votes on your own post/comment were revealed to you? Like some pointed out, they are already not anonymous to anyone who wants to try hard enough to get the data because of federation. So the question is who do we want to be able to see that data easily? It’s a GUI modification in any case. Who are we making the gui modification for?
Then I’m super for it. Might as well make what is available to a few try hards available to all easily.
For this user base it is the right answer. So many petty downvoters. On my site I’m considering a rule that would make it so you can’t be the vote that casts a comment into the negative without giving a reason, and then that reason would be turned into a comment. If something is worth downvoting then it is worth explaining why someone is wrong. If you can’t do that maybe you shouldn’t downvote. I don’t think you should have to do that every time. But if a comment is going to go negative someone should step up to the plate and bother to articulate. That way a comment can’t get hidden away from the public just because a petty mob that can’t even present an argument sees it as convenient if certain information disappears.
So in that case the downvoter who crossed it into the negative would not be anonymous.
But even with that margins are tight, so 99.5% of why your flight is expensive is that planes are not cheap to operate and fuel isn’t free. But we can pretend it’s all the other thing to maintain slave morality.
Also when was the last time an airline stock paid a dividend? I’m sure one of them pays dividends but most pay dividends never.
But on the plus side normal people can use air travel now.
Chase the penguins. Cease the day. That’s what I say, because I’m the coked up personality.
I was about to say. Everyone here who is looking at this through a laptop or phone are guilty of violence according to this comic.
“When the opponent is Biden, isn’t that exactly the right thing to do?”
That’s what the other side is saying. You all should read Hans Herman Hoppe: The God that Failed.
It’s the rule of modern engineering. You will always be served the worst possible product that can claim to have some utility. If it’s not on the edge of being useful someone didn’t engineer hard enough.
Yes. Arch is not actually hard. It’s just a meme.
Because debian is a vanilla distro that does as little as possible, so it isn’t extra work to use it. Do you know what other distro tries to be as vanilla as possible. Arch. So if you just use the install wizard Debian and Arch are equal difficulty. AKA the easiest. Don’t buy the Ubuntu marketing hype. Just because someone labels themselves the easiest doesn’t mean it’s true. Just because another distro is labeled hard doesn’t mean it’s true.
Arch is not hard… at all. Everyone says it is hard but no one can cite why. There is always the option of using a traditional linux installer wizard and it installs just as easy as any other distro. Then the only difference is you have a different command for your package manager. It runs the same software. I’m tired of hearing that there are meaningful differences between these distros when the only major difference is “command install packagename” vs “different_command install packagename”. Woah there. I think this is going to be too complicated for new users.
The only other major difference is arch ships the configs that the developers recommend as a default while ubuntu tries to be as aggressive with some of the software as they can be. My experience is sometimes this breaks thing (at least did back in the day) depending on updates and your hardware. This leaves you trouble shooting the most low level stuff. I’ve had to do more high level tech support for myself every year I’ve run Ubuntu than I have in 6 years of running Arch.
Maybe Arch users shout Arch because we know it’s the easiest distro we’ve used and we want to save new users the headache that comes from accepting the BS marketing on Ubuntu as real. The more a distro tries to accomplish the more they are going to fail the more it is you who will hold the bag for fixing it. So the distro that does the least is actually the easiest one. If you pick manjaro or artix you get the install wizard and its as easy to install as Ubuntu but with less broken stuff once it is running.
Next time something breaks in your ubuntu just know that if you were running arch it would have never happened.
In Christian Satanism is Jesus evil?
They think LGBT is benefited by having more visibility. In reality it puts them center stage for anti-LGBT rhetoric and the world is more antagonistic. In the 90s nobody cared about the gays.
Exactly. If want to stay connected to reality we should use historical analogies only. Remember when Maduro promised Venezuelans a better life, but life just got shitty instead. And instead of eating Nicolás Maduro they ate out of trash bins.