Some background for the unfamiliar:
“OP” is the abbreviation for “Ordo Prædicatorum”, or “Order of Preachers” in English, aka the Dominicans.
Saint Dominic is the founder of their order.
Some background for the unfamiliar:
“OP” is the abbreviation for “Ordo Prædicatorum”, or “Order of Preachers” in English, aka the Dominicans.
Saint Dominic is the founder of their order.
I’m having difficulty understanding your post but you’re on the right track with Active PFC causing issues with UPSs.
Ditto for the Y6239 problem for what must be a dozen of pieces of software that use the hebrew calendar, when it switches to five digit years.
Exactly. The baddies are called ‘terrorists’. The term the media uses to describe good terrorists is ‘rebels’ and sometimes ‘freedom fighters’.
The Onion a little over ten years ago:
Horrified Subway Execs Assumed People Were Buying Footlongs To Share With A Friend
So, not dairy free, then.
I beg to differ. If it’s not a CoViD test, where would you urinate?
1 asprin […] 1 aleve …
That combination of two non-steroidal anti-inflammatories is probably knocking out more than you think.
There’s an NPR episode of Code Switch on the subject:
If it’s an official decree, then it must be in writing somewhere. The fanwiki is very short on references. One could assume it’s all speculation. Probably just self-censureship rather than a ban.
Chosing not to air is not the same as a ban.
Nice try, sentient escherichia coli.
I run my own email server using mailcow-dockerized. Ironically, the problem is not enough volume.
I can’t put my finger on the specific film, but there are those where the happy ending seems especially contrived, and the director’s commentary lamented that’s because anything less than a happy ending tended to test poorly with viewers. It might have something to do with the fact that they tested them tight after they watch the film rather than letting it sink in for a bit.
Test screenings are the J.D. Power Initial Quality Award of the film industry.
I feel your pain. It seems these apps have been built by monolinguists, and the language preference/requirement you mentioned are more of an afterthought than, for example, quality/resolution preferences.
For subtitles, at least, a bilingual family needs to have two separate instances of bazaar.
Of course, that’s less than ideal when you start talking about two entire video files when all you want is an additional audio stream.
I’ll be checking back here hoping you’ll find a solution.
Ditto. We went from having five channels, one snowy on a bad day, plus a bonus 6th channel when the stars aligned, to two channels at best.
The broadcasters and regulators took a basic fact about digital signals “We can get a better quality signal with less transmission power” and saw it as a challenge to set up their digital transmitters with the most conservative estimate of minimum power required. I haven’t studied well enough for my amateur radio exam to know if I’m comparing apples to oranges, but I’m still shocked to see descriptions of transmitter power go from 100kW in one case to below 20kW.
I’d argue it doesn’t accurately show the relative value at a cursory glance. The chart shows the area under the curve having decreased over 90%, but when looking at the y-axis, you can see that initial assessment was misled.
In a speculative industry like finance, shouldn’t we try our best to make charts less… alarmist?
A marketplace of dick? That’d be bizarre.
No way.
I received opiates after abdominal surgery only after I explained why my pain level was only stated as a 3 or 4 out of 10, if 10 was “The worse pain [I] could possibly imagine.”
2/10 is manageable temporarily but not chronically.
3/10 was the limit where I could hide it. It requires a lot of energy to maintain composure.
4/10 was where movement was restricted.
I can’t quite remember what five and six were.
7/10 means I can’t form complete sentences uninterrupted.
8/10 means I have mostly lost the ability to communicate and I begin to hallucinate.
9/10 means I am unable to understand where I am or what’s happening to me. It’s around this point where I have blacked out.
Never ask someone with a healthy imagination to work on a scale where the limit is the worst they can imagine. Besides, is the scale linear or logarithmic?