Zappa’s Bobby Brown topped the charts in several European countries, with most people oblivious to the lyrics, people thought it was just some pop song :)
Zappa’s Bobby Brown topped the charts in several European countries, with most people oblivious to the lyrics, people thought it was just some pop song :)
For most citrus the pith has no flavor at all, definitely not bitter. Most people object to the texture and blandness/lack of flavor, which I can understand. I have a bunch of citrus trees in my yard, and learned to not mind the pith, mainly due to laziness (I eat a lot of oranges) - and it’s a good source of fiber.
Western diet is actually notoriously low on fiber and high in sugar, and the citrus pith is also high in vitamin C.
So for many people eating the pith would actually be a healthier choice - in the context of their low fiber/high sugar diet.
Some species of birds, like Robins for example, walk around with their head cocked like this near the ground to hear worms chewing through the soil, and then pluck them out to eat.
But instead of worms, it’s miners (not sure if tiny, or bird huge :)
I first got on the Internet just as the shift from :-) to :) was happening, only geezers still used :-) and :) was the hip new thing…
Sometimes a nose is just a nose
Isn’t it referencing the birds rather than the flower? They are known for their impressive plumage.
Meeting [redacted] on the [redacted] was such an unexpected and powerful moment for me as well. I don’t even usually get into lore that much in games, but Outer Wilds is so well done I nearly cried in that moment.
Humans don’t have a wishbone though, only birds ?
Not true, I am a naturalized US citizen, and don’t have a middle name - it was never an issue and I was never asked to come up with one. My son was born in the US and also doesn’t have a middle name.
Once you finish it, it’s actually really fun watching other people’s playthroughs as well - getting to relive some of the moments vicariously through other people’s eyes is almost as much fun as experiencing them yourself the first time.
It’s also quite amazing just how different each playthrough can be, since the game is so non-linear, people take some crazy paths to get to the end ! It can be frustrating as well when someone just can’t see what is in front of their face though :)
There are also so many subtle elements scattered around that most people miss on their first playthrough, and watching someone else play it really made me appreciate many of the details I missed on my own playthrough and even make connections I didn’t before, and understand aspects of the story that I didn’t fully get the first time.
There also appears to be a safari hat on the ground, implying they are eating a tourist? Just extra mood I guess :)
Didn’t the original full body scanners used at airports use backscatter X-rays, which are ionizing radiation ?
I believe these were mostly replaced by millimeter-wave scanners, and are not used anymore (even banned in some countries) but a lot of the initial pushback and debate surrounding the scanners when they were first introduced was about potential health risks of repeated X-ray exposure from those scanners, and so the idea of ionizing radiation exposure persists to this day in many people’s minds.