Though do it before the end of the month! Amazon is taking that option away
Though do it before the end of the month! Amazon is taking that option away
For old man reasons: coffee oils can raise cholesterol in some people and using a paper filter lowers the oil levels
I can quit anytime I want (as long as it’s not in the morning or that lull in the afternoon when I get kinda tired)
Just the microwave. That’s where any coffee nerd cred vanishes. It still tastes great though! 😂
It’s surprisingly easy to make (but with a ton of room for finesse I am learning). You do need a coffee grinder to take advantage of maximum bean freshness, though, but taste difference is huge
Thanks! I like the triangle as a name for it. I went to Japan this summer and it took me forever to figure out they call pour over/the triangle “drip,” (which is what I think of as machine coffee). Gotta standardize these names!
I have fallen off my yogurt intake. A good reason to pick it up again
Yeah maybe I gotta go back to cold brew. Though I’ve been really loving the pour over in the winter.
Good info about the tannins! I heat up the cold brew sometimes and always amazed at how smooth it tastes compared to drip or pour over.
I use milk but was just gifted a frother so probably using less milk than before. Maybe (hopefully) that is the real culprit
Defunct but gold: Achewood; Cul de Sac; Hark! A Vagrant!; Perry Bible Fellowship (maybe still posting?)
Still putting out bangers: Nancy; Xkcd; Oglaf; Wondermark; KC Green; You’re All Just Jealous of My Jetpack
Politics: Tom the Dancing Bug; This Modern World; Kelly Comics at the Onion also has a (mostly) quality list of creators
I have a memory of seeing this exact idea in another comic on here but can’t find it! (Assuming it is a case of multiple discovery and not plagiarism)
That perfect balance where both sides can use it. Have never gotten a read on Larsen’s politics
Career goals
For those too lazy to click the wiki link
I showed this comic to my five year old daughter this morning and she couldn’t stop laughing
Thanks for catching that