What’s the significance of the colors? Greenish = “stealing”, orange = “okay”, yellow = “grey area”? Seems awfully negative, maybe invert the whole thing.
Not antiquated, they just sound a little like hillbillies.
To be fair if you’re used to “metropolitan” French then some Québécois accents can sound very “redneck”.
Thank you, I came here to comment that he looks like a turtle and there it already is, this masterpiece.
Looks like a fork that was made from a knife, wouldn’t-put-into-my-mouth/10.
Nobody claimed they’re genetically manipulated humans. They’re organic but man-made, and apparently it’s very hard to tell the difference to a real human except through emotional responses.
WTF are you talking about? The Europeans that “killed and burned” the natives mostly stayed, they call themselves Americans now. Look at a map of America at the time of the revolution, and you’ll see there was a lot of killing and displacing natives after the USA’s independence. Don’t blame this on modern day Europeans, blame this on your ancestors (assuming you’re american).
I prefer the alligators.
Maybe he just had his period.
Bei dem Schild wohl eher noch das Großdeutsche Reich.
Gender in the grammatical sense just means category, from French genre, Latin genus.
Gender from french genre, latin genus, means category and that’s all it is, a category system, with confusing category names and no real rules for which word belongs to which category. There’s nothing masculine, feminine or neuter about words, nothing “sexual” or whatever, otherwise every person would be a woman because the word for person (from latin persona) is feminine in a lot of european languages, or French and German people would have to think really different about stuff like tables because in French it’s “feminine” and in German it’s “masculine”. Btw, looking at English adjectives with French origin they almost always are the feminine version, like feminine or masculine. Some people think there is a hidden sexual meaning though and they come up with lots of different systems for gender neutral language, stuff like latinx.
I’m countering with a lave-linge which is masculine, now where’s the boomer joke?
No, it’s correct, metric time is just using seconds for everything, you end up with minutes, hours, days,… as auxiliary units. And then there’s decimal time, which tries to divide the day into 10 hours, the French tried to introduce that during the revolution.
Absolutely agree on Red Dead Redemption 2. Another point considering it’s an open world game it plays extremely linearly and sometimes in missions it tells you that you can’t leave a certain area for no reason.
While at the same time not even using the meme format correctly.
Cat software on dog hardware.