Looking to see if you know of any restaurants doing anything interesting for reducing takeout plastic waste.
Deposit for using Pyrex? Discount for byo? Etc
Looking to see if you know of any restaurants doing anything interesting for reducing takeout plastic waste.
Deposit for using Pyrex? Discount for byo? Etc
Plastic straws are completely gone from all establishments where I live. The last one to do was Tim Horton’s, which happened in the last couple years.
ELI5, if plastic and paper are both recyclable and both not ideal for the environment, why is one better than the other?
Neither will be recycled, but one comes from a renewable resource, and the other from non-renewable. Also, paper biodegrades while plastic doe not
It’s like bread dough and bread. Reshaping bread dough is easy. The same process doesn’t work for bread, but you can grind it into crumbs and make other foods with it. You probably won’t be able to make the same kind of bread, but you can use it for thickening sauces or deep frying things and it is a form of recycling. Trying to then recycle the next food is much harder.
Mainly because plastic is not actually recyclable.
They replaced them with paper straws coated in PFAS, as far as I know.
Source on the PFAS?
Here’s one: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/08/230825122044.htm I don’t know about Tim Horton’s specifically, just saying that you might want to just forgo straws altogether.
Jesus, as if PFAS aren’t prevalent enough, let’s just suck them up through a tube straight into our faces!
I will be foregoing straws for sure