I’m fairly certain you could still run that shell script on steamOS? I don’t understand why an immutable distro would keep you from doing that. It’s essentially what Lutris and Heroic Games launcher do.
I’m fairly certain you could still run that shell script on steamOS? I don’t understand why an immutable distro would keep you from doing that. It’s essentially what Lutris and Heroic Games launcher do.
Maybe Publii?
I find using Lutris and Boilr a better way to add images and stuff to your non-steam game shortcut.
That’s how you get Aurora Borealis in your kitchen.
There was quite a bit of initial config to do, but there is Linux OneDrive Client, and OneDriveGUI
Pleco does it for Chinese.
“What can I say? It’s just a toilet bowl.”
From Runaway: A Road Adventure
Doesn’t magic wormhole do that? I remember there used to be a few websites providing a web interface for it, but I can’t seem to find them anymore.
I was under the impression that Graphene OS stops support for Pixel models at the same time as Google does.
You can even install KDE connect on windows though, I imagine its pretty DE agnostic.
That’s how I used to turn my tower on when I was a teenager. The motherboard was also outside of the tower, lying on a piece of bubble wrap on the floor. When playing an exciting game, we’d sometimes kick the graphics card out of place.
I’m assuming it has to do with him wishing a couple of times to get a bigger reproduction organ, using common euphemisms.
I love raw cashews. The only problem is that they somehow smell like genitals.
I think what they’re saying is that no one mentioned the 1st movie. X2 came out in 2003, more than 20 years ago.
I can’t believe no one recommended Fleabag. It’s not the type of show that would attract me usually, but goddamn was that a masterpiece. Two seasons, short and sweet.
Another short series that is incredible is Tchernobyl.
You only remember your dreams when sleeping lightly. You most likely still dream.
He’s using the hand he stole from Paint Bucket Man. Filled her with grey.
Edit: I went to read the previous 4 comics just to get this.
Most of the schools/colleges using Xerox printers around here charge $1 per color page. Sounds like it might have been cheaper to buy the book.