DarthDog [name], Sith Lord.Guaranteed to come running up from behind and slice you through the knees with it
Qui Woof Jinn
Doggy Wan KenobiAnakin Skybarker.
Emperor Pawpatine
Bark Vader
Jabba the Mutt
Boba Fetch
Tail Organa
Pug Krell
Clone Booper
Willwuff Tarkin
Lando Clawrissian
Wil-ruff Barkin
Oh god how could I have glossed over BARKIN
I always thought the Ysalamir that Zahn introduced in his trilogy were a really cool idea. Non-sentient arboreal creatures that had evolved to repel the force because of a species of predators that used the force to hunt. Thrawn weaponized them to control a psychotic Jedi master clone he used to control his army and to fight Luke and Mara. There’s a lot of potential there for interesting force stuff to be explored.
Then, they erased all that and we got midi-chlorian counts and somehow Palpatine survived instead.
You could have called it “The BARK side”…
Ewan is a photogenic motherfucker