“What Tim Burton Batman movie is this? looks at description HIGHLANDER 2?!”
Great, now I have to keep a flashlight on my person at all times just in case this opportunity presents itself.
Flashlight on your phone, buddy.
I carry one all the time! For the stuff I do it’s more useful than a pocket knife and phone lights only get you so far.
If anyone is wondering I use a Streamlight Protac 2L-X at work, and a Sofirn SC-21 out and about.
If you are in a budget the convoy s2 is great also
Bad case of dwarf brain
The way I was taught to ask for a light in chinese is literally translated as ‘Hit the fire machine?’ (打火機嗎)
It’s because “打火機” is a noun, direct translation would be “the fire striking machine” which means the lighter. So the sentence is a shorthand to ask whether they have a lighter.
Oh, that’s great to know! I’d got the impression that 打 was being used as a verb in the sense of use/make/play with 火機 as the object. Thanks!
EDC life ftw?
Ha. It’s HIS time to shine. 🤩
Bright light in a drunk’s face seems like a great way to get socked in the mouth.
“He wanted light so I blasted him with 2500LM”.
One of us! one of us!