I mean I like the red colored wood.
Redheart, by far the most pricey of the 3
never heard of red heart. is that the same as paduk?
nope. It looks far richer in person, paduk is more orangey.
Tree fiddy.
800 what? It was an offcut of a much larger piece.
I was just wondering about how much these would go for.
I would sell them for about £35 (im British) but if I were in to use a fancier mechanism and a burl wood then it could go into the hundreds
Could redwood be used?
Yes, but i have some offcuts from bigger projects
Well my second favorite is the dark wood.
2nd pic. The darker one fo sho
I like the dark one the best since it looks the best with the gold
The second one, I think the color and undertone of the wood and it’s darkness complements the gold accents perfectly.
Not sure, hard to say in photos, mail them over and I’ll take a look!
All of them really nice, but the second one looks the most natural to me. The darkness and the contrast of gold is superb 🙌
All are beautiful, but I’m partial to the one that looks looks roasted maple (light brown)
It’s ipe, with a few layers of teak oil and beeswax
I’m not a fan of slimlines because to give any heft to the pens you end up with that muffin top look or wild shapes on the lower tube. That said the light brown pen looks best overall, I do like the grain pattern in the darker one though.
That makes sense. I am gonna make some fountain pens soon. I just had a few of these mechanics lying around.