a screenshot of the text:
Tech companies argued in comments on the website that the way their models ingested creative content was innovative and legal. The venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, which has several investments in A.I. start-ups, warned in its comments that any slowdown for A.I. companies in consuming content “would upset at least a decade’s worth of investment-backed expectations that were premised on the current understanding of the scope of copyright protection in this country.”
underneath the screenshot is the “Oh no! Anyway” meme, featuring two pictures of Jeremy Clarkson saying “Oh no!” and “Anyway”
screenshot (copied from this mastodon post) is of a paragraph of the NYT article “The Sleepy Copyright Office in the Middle of a High-Stakes Clash Over A.I.”
This is simply not stealing. Viewing content has never ever ever been stealing.
There is no view right.
That’s one thing, but I think regurgitating it and claiming it as your own is a completely different thing.
Also, I’m pretty sure the argument is more about the unequal enforcement of the law. Copyright should be either enforced fairly or not at all. If AI is allowed to scrape content and regurgitate it, piracy should also be legal.
Again that’s not what’s happening here
They are downloading the data so thei LLM can “view” it. How is that different than downloading movies to view them?
They’re not downloading anything tho. That’s the point. At no point are they posessing the content that the AI is viewing.
This is LESS intrusive than a Google web scraper. No one trying to sue Google for copyright for Google searches.
What? Of course they are downloading, the content still has to reach their networks and computers.
Go look up how ai works. There is no download lol. It’s the exact same principal as web scrapers which have been around for literally decades.
Could say piracy is just running a program that “views” the content, and then regurgitates its own interpretation of it into local data stores.
It’s just not very creative, so it’s usually very close.