- Old Yeller (Disney, 1957)
- Where the Red Fern Grows (1974)
Fox and the Hound
I very much remember why those were traumatic
Neon Genesis Evangelion
As a Gator dad myself, and one who has done this to his kid a couple of times, I was feeling very empathetic for the Gator dad, until I zoomed in.
NOBODY forgets how traumatizing Watership Down was. That’s… that’s not a thing.
Yeah… thanks for bringing that up. Watership Down 1978, for those curious.
This movie is goddamn awesome.
It managed to capture the serenity, the adorableness and the utterly uncompromising brutality of the characters as they were originally portrayed in the book.
People should watch this movie. It teaches so many valuable lessons.
Scamper the Penguin, anyone?
Core memory unlocked
I was told this was a better, darker Secret of Nyhm. It so was not. Nyhm was actually good.
I saw NIMH first and read Watership first, so maybe that’s why I prefer the NIMH movie and Watership book, but I don’t remember the film being bad. There was also a CGI one made a few years ago that was pretty good, although the graphics aren’t great-- feels a little low-budgety.
Honestly the book was pretty good.
Really captured my childhood imagination… I’ve actually never watched this movie myself. I do recommend the book however
Assumed Nyhm until I saw the gore gif in thread